Key Parkinson's Resources
We believe each organization dedicated to Parkinson's has outstanding materials, some of which are more superior than others. Each of these Parkinson's organizations have extensive libraries filled with content that allows you to subscribe to newsletters for important updates and announcements, watch webinars and videos, or listen to podcasts hosted by Parkinson's experts. They also provide articles, brochures, booklets and fact sheets that you can download, print or order.
Many of the resources are organized in each library by how you like to receive your information; most are also organized and can be found by topic. We insist that you check into these "can't miss" three key resources for important Parkinson's information:
Parkinson's Foundation
Hospital Safety Guide

You can download or order the Parkinson's Foundation 's hospital safety guide at no cost. The Hospital Safety Guide is filled with useful tools and information to help a person with Parkinson's during their next hospital visit, planned or unplanned. Print these resources when you have used the copies within your guide, or share additional copies with care partners and loved ones.
Alabama APDA
Information and Referral Center

Housed at UAB, the APDA provides information and referrals to your healthcare providers. Additionally, an extensive online library is available with materials available in English, Spanish and Chinese on educational programs, and online health and wellness classes. Learn more by going to
Additionally, the Alabama APDA has launched three key programs:
GOOD START: Designed for individuals diagnosed with Parkinson's within three years and their care partners, this 4-hour educational session provides a comprehensive understanding of Parkinson's, helps attendees learn how to build their healthcare teams as well as tap into needed local resources. This program is hosted quarterly in-person throughout Alabama with a focus on rural reach. Virtual Zoom programs are also available.
PRESS: The APDA Press Program (Parkinson Roadmap Education and Support Services) is an 8-week educational session that meets over zoom. Individuals diagnosed with Parkinson's within five years and their care partners are encouraged to attend. Each session features an expert guest speaker and opportunity to connect with others via an online support group format. This session is perfect for those that don't have a local support group nearby, and provides an opportunity to learn coping strategies and tips to live a positive, hopeful, and optimistic life with PD.
CONNECTING THROUGH ART: Partnering with UAB Arts and Medicine, individuals diagnosed with Parkinson's and their care partners are encouraged to attend sessions that include visual art activities. This is a time of fellowship, creativity, and fun for those living with PD.
To find out more and to register for upcoming events, please go to:
Davis Phinney Foundation
Every Victory Counts Manual
First published in 2010, the Every Victory Counts Manual broke new ground as the only resource of its kind, devoted solely to the principle of proactive self-care and a holistic approach to managing Parkinson's. In subsequent editions, it has gained international recognition as a superb and comprehensive resource for changing the way people live with Parkinson's. Now in its sixth edition, the manual is the cornerstone of our Every Victory Counts suite of resources, a robust collection of printed and digital manuals (including a new Every Victory Counts Manual for Care Partners) that embraces the Davis Phinney Foundation's philosophy of taking action to improve your quality of life with Parkinson's.